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My first post and a fun announcement!



I finally did it. Er, I mean them. OK, let me explain.


I finally did two things. First, I started a blog. Not a blog for posting unimportant things every single day of the week, mind you. Who has time for that? Not me. Not you. Nope, this blog is only for announcements and other fun events, as they happen. Which brings me to the second thing I've done...


I submitted a very special photograph that I took of my youngest daughter to a great writerly website (after much loving nagging by family and friends) and guess what? They wanted to share it with others! So there you have it. Two maybe-someday-I’ll-actually-do-that goals met at the same time and it feels great. 


And this great feeling isn't just for me. I think it’s for all of us, friends. Maybe if we--writers, artists, photographers, human beings--will just continue to put ourselves and our skills out there, it's possible we'll be surprised by the good things that come back to us. Sure, what we do won’t always be appreciated, but SOMETIMES. Sometimes, it will be. And during those times it's gonna feel great. During those times we might just inspire ourselves and others. And isn't that what art—and life—is all about? For me, it is.


Anyway, thanks for showing my humble little blog some love! I hope the same comes back to you.


Oh, and you can view my daughter’s picture and even fine tune your writing skills by visiting the fabulous site Literary Mama here.



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